With a click, go back to see the previous and present state of code. It even goes as far as showing you the author of each line of code. It helps you work with git right inside your IDE and has quite a few superpowers. The C/C++ extension supports Remote Development. GitLens is an extension that helps you see code insights such as authorship, history, commits, branches, and much more.
Best visual studio code extensions for c install#
Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need. For more information about editing in Visual Studio Code, see Basic Editing and Code Navigation. One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Those who enjoy using Visual Studio Code as their IDE of choice can install extensions such as rust-analyzer, Better TOML, CodeLLDB, Crates, and Error Lens to not only setup their Rust local development, but also facilitate learning Rust. This topic provides a quick overview of general C/C++ editor features, as well as some that are specific to C/C++. However, there are many tools available to make the learning process much smoother. Learning a low-level programming language such as Rust can be complex in itself. However, I consider it an invaluable help for programming learning new programming languages who want to worry more about getting the code to work, rather than figuring out what is wrong with syntax errors often caused by the unfamiliarity of the programming language. Published in Towards Data Science 5 min read - 10 Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash I use VSCode for just about everything, working as a web developer, mobile applications developer, and most recently as an embedded systems developer in C. Installation Launch VS Code Quick Open ( Ctrl+P ), paste the following command, and press enter. If you are the kind of developer who doesn’t like to have too many highlights on the screen, using Error Lens might not be the best option for you. It is very noticeable, and it will almost certainly catch your attention to fix the error right away. GitLens is an extension that helps you see code insights such as authorship, history, commits, branches, and much more. Highlighted error is shown in struct Test2 when using Error Lens